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Century Ponds

River Chew

River Avon

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Club History

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Fish Care Advice

Useful Info.
• Environment Agency
• Buy Your Rod Licence Online
• Keynsham OS Map
• Angling Trust
• National Professional Anglers Assoc.
• Fish Legal
• FishWish Angling Coaching
• River Chew Website
River Chew • Four Stretches Of Prime River Fishing
Keynsham Angling Association controls the fishing rights to four stretches of the River Chew from Compton Dando to Keynsham. Club Members are entitled to fish the River Chew without a day ticket.
The River Chew is a classic roving water, featuring a good range of Coarse and Game fish. Several sections of the Chew have been stocked with batches of Barbel since 2009. Stocks of Roach and Bream were added in 2012.
River Chew • Mill Ground • Fields 17, 18, & 19 • Chewton To Keynsham

The Mill Ground is a mile-long stretch of the River Chew, comprised of the left-bank fields (looking downstream) from below Chewton Bridge at Chewton Keynsham to Conygre Farm, and the right-bank fields (looking downstream) from below Chewton Bridge to the end of the fields at Keynsham. Please note: as of October 2024, field 21 (directly upstream from the Albert Mill) is no longer a Club water.
The fishery is a rewarding venue set in the peaceful Chew Valley, with depths averaging 6-7ft, some as deep as 11ft. Many of the pegs are situated on level ground, within easy reach of the water. Alder and Willow provide superb overhead cover for the fish, while Lilies and Reeds populate the margins in several areas, offering excellent Perch sport.
The Mill Ground is home to a good population of sizeable Chub, Roach, Perch, Grayling and Rudd, along with good numbers of Gudgeon, Dace and Trout. Look out for the occasional Bream, Barbel, double-figure Carp, Tench and one or two large Eels. A stock of 1200 3-5 inch Roach and Rudd was added in March 2010. A variety of baits will tempt the fish throughout the season, including maggots, casters, hemp and tares, bread, sweetcorn and redworm.
The Mill Ground is crossed by the Two Rivers Way and can be accessed via the Albert Mill at Keynsham, and through the kissing gate near Chewton Bridge at the south end. Access to the Wellsway side is via the public footpath gates at either end of the fishery.
Parking is only available at the Keynsham end of the water. Field 19 and an area of the East Bank both contain overhead power lines. Please exercise extreme caution when fishing here.
River Chew • Uplands • Fields 71, 72, 73 & 74 • Compton Dando To Chewton
Uplands is one-and-a-quarter mile stretch of the River Chew from Bathford Brook near Compton Dando to Uplands Bridge at Chewton Keynsham, on the right bank looking downstream.
The Association acquired Uplands in 2009 and introduced a stock of Barbel shortly afterwards, with further batches introduced on a seasonal basis. Uplands is a classic roving water, with good numbers of quality fish including Grayling, Chub, Trout, Roach, Rainbow Trout, Barbel, Dace, Perch, Barbel and Gudgeon. A few Bream, Tench and Carp can also be found.
The Uplands stretch alternates between shallow glides and deeper pools, often with high banks and sheltered swims. Bankside vegetation is abundant.
Main access is via the kissing gate at Uplands Bridge, with secondary access via the various field gates on the Burnett to Compton Dando road. Limited parking is available at Uplands Bridge.
River Chew • Brookmead • Field 7 • Compton Dando
Brookmead is the left bank field directly downstream of Compton Dando Bridge - the field with the Environment Agency flow-measuring flume.
This is a peaceful roving water with good rewards on offer for determined anglers. Brookmead is home to a large variation of fish species including Chub, Roach, Dace, Barbel, Perch, Gudgeon, Rudd, Carp, Trout and Grayling. Members fishing at Brookmead have been known to catch in excess of eight different species in a single session.
Depths alternate between deep holes up to 8ft and shallow, gravel-bed glides, providing good sport for both Game and Coarse anglers. Limited car parking and main access can be found at Compton Dando Bridge.
Brookmead contains several overhead power lines. Please exercise extreme caution when fishing here. The banks are very steep in places. The Club advises Junior Members fishing at Brookmead to be accompanied by an adult.
River Chew • Lyneham Orchard • Field 10 • Compton Dando
Lyneham Orchard is a ¼ mile, crescent-shaped stretch of the River Chew located four fields downstream of Compton Dando Bridge.
This is a very wild field, with steep banks, dense vegetation and overhanging trees, concealing several deep holes. Sport here is challenging but can be very rewarding, with the usual array of species including Chub, Roach, Dace, Perch, Rudd, Gudgeon, Trout, Barbel, Carp and Grayling.
Access is via the kissing gate by Compton Dando Bridge, where limited parking can also be found. Follow the path through Brookmead and the next two fields. At the woods, go through the iron gate into the meadow. The Two Rivers footpath follows the River Chew all the way to Keynsham, and on to the River Avon.
River Chew • Four Stretches Of Prime River Fishing
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(Thymallus thymallus)
River Level Reports
Information about the current water levels on our local rivers:
Local Weather
You can find all the latest regional weather reports at these sites:
Safety Advice
Several of the Association's waters are near overhead power lines carrying up to 132,000 volts. These lines are within reach of rods and poles. Members must maintain a safe fishing distance and must NOT carry assembled rods or poles under these power lines. Always look up.
Venue Tips
The River Chew fishes well when recovering from a flush of flood water, as the river is fining down.
Rain on a Thursday is always good news for weekend Chew anglers.
Feed light and regularly to attract the fish and keep them interested.
Clay Shoot Dates
Century Ponds is closed to Members on alternate Sundays until 1pm for clay shooting.
Oct 6th, 20th
Nov 3rd, 17th
Dec 1st, 15th, 29th
Jan 12th, 26th
Feb 9th, 23rd
Mar 9th, 23rd
Apr 6th, 20th
May 4th, 18th
June 1st, 15th, 29th
July 13th, 27th
Aug 10th, 24th
Sep 7th, 21st
Oct 5th, 19th
Nov 2nd, 16th, 30th
Dec 14th, 28th
♣ Full Details
A.G.M. 2025
The next Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 6th October 2025 at Keynsham Cricket Club, 7pm prompt. All Members are eligible to attend.
